Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Monitoring the Risk of Reinforcement Corrosion Using the Expansion-Ring System.
1st fib Congress 2002 „Concrete Structures in the 21st Century“; October 13-19, 2002; Osaka, Japan, 2002.
Raupach, M.; Schießl, P.:
Assessing the Risk of Reinforcement Corrosion by Using the Expansion-Ring-System.
WTA-Kolloquium, Universität Braunschweig, 7./8. März 2002;
Raupach, M.; Schießl, P.:
Macrocell sensor systems for monitoring of the corrosion risk of the reinforcement in concrete structures.
NDT&E international, Vol. 34, No. 6, Elsevier Science Ltd.; S. 435 – 442; 2001.
1998 - 2000
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Monitoring Corrosion Risk in Concrete Structures - Review of 10 Years Experience and New Developments. Durability of Concrete.
In: Fifth CANMET/ACI/International Conference 4. - 9. June 2000; Volume I, p. 19 – 33; Barcelona, Spanien, 2000.
Breitenbücher, R.; Gehlen, C.; Schießl, P.; Hoonard van den, J.; Siemes, T.:
Service Life Design for the Western Scheldt Tunnel. Ottowa; NRC Research Press, 1999.
In: Durability of Building Materials and Components, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference, Vancouver, May 30 - June 3, 1999, (Lacasse, M.A.; Vanier, D.J. (Ed.)), Vol 1; S. 3 - 15; Vancouver, Kanada, 1999.
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Zerstörungsfreie permanente Überwachung der Korrosionsgefahr für die Bewehrung von Stahlbetonbauwerken - Sensorsysteme für den direkten und nachträglichen Einbau
Bauwerksdiagnose - Praktische Anwendungen zerstörungsfreier Prüfungen, 21.-22.01.1999,München, 1999.
Schießl, P., Raupach, M., Breit, W.:
Durability-Based Design, Monitoring and Repair of Reinforced Concrete Structures: A Review.
In Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Vol. 23, pp. 207-227, December 1998.
1994 - 1997
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Instrumentation of Structures with Sensors - Why and How?
International Congress on Concrete in the Service of Mankind, 24.-28.06.1996, 10 pages Dundee, Scotland, 1996.
Schießl, P., Breit, W., Raupach, M.:
Sensortechnik: Schutz statt Instandsetzung - Überwachung von Betonbauwerken.
In: Deutsches Ingenieurblatt, Nov. 1996, S. 40-46, 1996.
Schießl, P., Breit, W., Raupach, M.:
Feuchtigkeit im Beton sichtbar gemacht.
In: Bausubstanz, Heft 6, S. 46-51; 1996.
Schießl, P.; Rostam, S.; Raupach, M.:
Corrosion Monitoring Systems Installed in the Structures of the Great-Belt-Link-Projects -Monitoring as Part of a Multi-Barrier-Protection Strategy.
In: International Symposium Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering, 26. bis 28.09.1995; Berlin, 1995.
Raupach, M.; Schießl, P.:
Monitoring System for the Penetration of Chlorides, Carbonation and the Corrosion Risk for the Reinforcement.
6th International Conference on Structural Faults and Repair '95, 03. bis 05. July 1995; London, 1995.
Schießl, P., Rostam, S., Raupach, M.:
Corrosion Monitoring Systems Installed in the Structures of the Grat-Belt-Link-Projects -Monitoring as Part of a Multi-Barrier Protection Strategy.
International Symposium, 26.-28. September; Berlin, 1995.
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
New Approaches for Monitoring of the Corrosion Risk for the Reinforcement - Installation of Sensors.
In: International Concrete Conference "Concrete across Borders", 12 pages; Odense, Denmark, 1994.
1989 - 1993
Schießl, P.; Breit, W.; Raupach, M.:
Investigations into the Effect of Coatings on Water-Distribution in Concrete Using Multi-Ring-Electrodes.
In: International Symposium on Concrete Bridges in Aggressive Environments, S. 119-133 (ACI-SP 151-6), 07. bis 12.11.1993; Minneapolis, USA; 1993.
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Korrosionsgefahr von Stahlbetonbauwerken - Überwachung der Korrosion mit Einbausensoren.
In: Beton, Heft 3/94, S. 146-149.
Schießl, P. ; Raupach, M.:
Permanent Monitoring of the Corrosion Risk for the Reinforcement of Concrete Bridges.
In: Bridge Management 2 :
Inspection, Maintenance Assessment and Repair. 2nd International Conference held at the University of Surrey, 18-21 April 1993 (Harding, J.E. et al(Ed)), pp. 708-716 Telford, London, 1993.
Schießl, P. ; Raupach, M.:
Non-Destructive Permanent Monitoring of the Corrosion Risk of Steel in Concrete.
Northampton : British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing; In: Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering, 14-16 April 1993, Vol. II; pp. 661-674; Liverpool, 1993.
Schießl, P. ; Raupach, M.:
Monitoring of the Corrosion Risk for the Reinforcement of Bridges.
Aachen : Institut für Bauforschung, ibac, 1992 In: The Corrosion of Steel In Concrete - A Short Course to be offered at Two Locations, 17-19 February 1992, 12 pages; Aachen, 1992.
Schießl, P. ; Raupach, M.:
Monitoring System for the Corrosion Risk for Steel in Concrete.
In: Concrete International, Nr. 7, S. 52 bis 55; 1992.
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Zerstörungsfreie Bestimmung der Korrosionsgefahr für die Bewehrung mit Korrosionsmeßzellen.
Berlin: DGZFP ; BAM. In: Vorträge und Plakatberichte Internationales Symposium zerstörungsfreie Prüfung im Bauwesen-Diagnose-Substanzerhaltung-Qualitätssicherung, DGZFP Berichtsband 21, Teil 1, pp. 128-134; Berlin, 1991.
Schießl, P.; Raupach, M.:
Chloride Induced Corrosion of Steel in Concrete -Investigations with a Concrete Corrosion Cell.
In: The Life of Structures: The Role of Physical Testing, International Seminar, 24.-26.04.1989,
Brighton, Engl., Vortrag 27, S. 226-233; Butterworths, London, 1989.